Health & Safety

Safe Land Clearing

We believe the safety of our employees, equipment and surrounding area should be the primary concern of any land clearing project. Therefore, TREE EATER has an Occupational Health & Safety manual covering all our services' practices and procedures.

TREE EATER holds a SECOR certification and adequate WCB and liability insurance. We are also members of ISNetworld, ComplyWorks, Alberta Construction Safety Association and CAGC (Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors).


Health & Safety Policy

TREE EATER works to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and visitors. We also strive to preserve property. We are committed to limiting unsafe conditions in these areas by taking a proactive approach to health and safety.

Management at TREE EATER aims to provide a safe workplace by following legislation, industry standards and practices. We have also developed and followed internal procedures for identifying and eliminating hazards to maintain safe conditions. It is the responsibility of all supervisors and employees to actively participate in the health and safety program.

Everyone is encouraged to report any unsafe work conditions or defective equipment so management can take the appropriate steps to eliminate or control hazards. In addition, employees are required to perform their duties by following the company procedures outlined in the manual and their scope of training.

The ultimate goal is to provide a safe work environment through company-wide involvement and acceptance of the Health and Safety manual.